Soul Search: Resilience
the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.
Your Goal for the this Soul Mission:
To remind yourself just how RESILIENT you are!
"Resilient people are aware of situations, their own emotional reactions, and the behavior of those around them. By remaining aware, they can maintain control of a situation and think of new ways to tackle problems. In many cases, resilient people emerge stronger after such difficulties."
As Elephants are revered as a symbol of good luck, remover of obstacles, as well as strength, power, wisdom, memory, and vitality we too will find these traits in ourselves!
For this Soul Mission we are making. RESILIENCE boxes and doing a video on our Resilience Story!!
For the Box: You can use any box and decorate it however you would like! I took an old Christmas box, Painted it white then glued the 30 quotes attached about resilience to the top then I put a coat of sealant on it!
This is YOUR box that will hold symbols of times when you were most RESILIENT so, make it however you want!
Filling the box: Once your box is done think of the times you showed resilience the most. It could be in a job you had, a loss you suffer, a race you ran, an illness you fought and the list goes on!
Put anything that symbolizes/helps you to remember that time in your box!
For the Resilience Story: Now it's time to tell your Resilience Story! Record yourself telling YOUR story based on what is in the box! We want to know all about the times you got knocked down but got back up again 'cause NOTHING's gonna keep YOU down!
Let's do it!
The sticker you will earn: