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Image by Léonard Cotte
Writer's pictureMegan

Mosaic Sisters Soul Mission: July 2024

“A brave woman acknowledges the strength of others.”

Mission: Bravery


brav· ery ˈbrāv-rē  ˈbrā-və-

: the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : the quality or state of being brave : COURAGE

Your mission for July is to practice bravery! Typically you would be challenged to embrace your own courage and be brave in order to slay a dragon… however, this month your challenge is to help someone else embrace their bravery! This is going to look very different for all of us! Are you helping your child find their bravery through a tough situation? Do you have a friend who needs to be reminded of their bravery? Is there someone who has been really brave & you want to compliment them on their ability to be brave during tough times? How are you seeing “brave” in your community? What does brave look like in your home? Who do you think is brave? Why do you think that person (or persons) is brave? When is it hardest for you be to brave?

If you need to take this month to focus on being brave yourself, we are always here to support and encourage you! Please take time to reflect upon your situation & let us know how we can help you be brave!

Please share your mission progress in the group or write in your journal about what you’ve accomplished!

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Image by Léonard Cotte
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