Mission: Bravery!
brav·er·y /ˈbrāv(ə)rē/ Learn to pronounce
courageous behavior or character. "perhaps I'll get a medal for bravery"
Your Goal for the this Soul Mission:
To Be Brave!
You deserve bravery. You deserve your best life!
For this Soul Mission you are going to create a habit!
Something that is going to better your mental/emotional/physical health long term.
Here is how we'll do it:
Pick the habit/behaviour.
-Examples of habits/behaviours to choose from or you can create your own!
*Journal daily.
*Cook daily meals.
*Exercise regularly.
*Make that appointment and KEEP it!
*Stop an UNHEALTHY habit or start a healthy habit. EXAMPLES: Stop smoking. START eating better, etc.
*30 self care task: Put it in your planner. Make it happen. Daily intentions that help improve your mood.
2. Make a game plan.
-For example if your new habit is to cook healthy meals daily, you'll need to meal plan, shop, etc.
-For some habits/behaviors you can link them to a reminder! Pick a reminder! Something that is linked with one of your 5 senses. For example: If your habit is to drink more water, everytime you see a clock or hear your dog, etc you drink water!
3. Ready...Set...Go!
4. Accountability!
-Share your progress/pictures with the group!
The Sticker you will earn: