Mission: Bravery!
brav·er·y /ˈbrāv(ə)rē/ Learn to pronounce
courageous behavior or character. "perhaps I'll get a medal for bravery"
Your Goal for the this Soul Mission:
To Be Brave!
You deserve bravery. You deserve your best life!
For this Soul Mission you are going to embrace change HEAD on!
Pick THREE NEW things to try/do this month! It can be a new food to try, a new exercise, you can set a goal you've never achieved, etc.
Get to work! Write in your journal, on post it notes, on your mirror, whereever these three new challenges you are giving your self and make an action plan!
Once you've done your brand new thing, take a picture and post in the page s we can celebrate with you!
Start a NEW job!
Get a new therapist.
Cook a new dish.
appointment and go to optometrist.
Go on a date with myself.
Try to connect with friends in person
The Sticker you will earn: