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Image by Léonard Cotte

Mosaic Sisters Soul Mission, December 2022.

Writer's picture: lizmcnultylizmcnulty

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Mission: JOY


  1. a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

Here we are! Knee deep into the Holiday season and (if you are like me) barely surviving let alone joyous!

The holidays are HARD and add stress to our already chaotic schedule. Here is where this mission comes in! Let's find Joy in the crazy!

Your goal for this mission:

1. At the end of each day, take time to reflect. Inhale the joy from the day, and exhale the negativity while doing baby seal breathes (breath in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, breath out for four seconds, hold for four seconds). Do this as many time as you need to.

2. As a bonus, pick 1-2 activities a week that spark joy.

Examples: going for a walk to enjoy Christmas lights, watching your favorite holiday movie, cuddling up with a cup of hot chocolate, indulging in a holiday treat, etc.

Taking time to breathe and care for ourselves during this busy holiday season is SO important and will help us keep our sanity!

Happy Joy Hunting!

The sticker you will earn:


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Image by Léonard Cotte
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