Mission: Emphaphay
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Sympathy vs. Empathy:
Your Goal for the this Soul Mission:
Practice and grow YOUR empathy skills!
To be truly empathetic and learn how to stand in the darkness with someone else.
The 5 Empathy Skills
Don't Judge. Put yourself in the other person's shoes
Listen Actively. Practice Mindfulness
Acknowledge THEIR feelings.
ASK questions
Show care, concern and emotional support
Use your journal or a plain piece of paper to make your Empathy garden and all the skills you want to grow!
You can use the template attached or just some markers and imagination!
Pick who you want to practice empathy on this month and as the month goes on build your skills. Keep referring back to your garden to help keep you on track!
EXAMPLES of who you could choose to show empathy: Your partner, parents, neighbors, childrens, a friend
, etc.
"If wounds could bloom, what a garden she would be!"
The sticker you will earn:
How my Garden looks.