a flower, especially one cultivated for its beauty."an exotic bloom"
Guys! Last month was a deeeeeep Soul Mission and I am SO proud of all of you for finding the resilience in YOU!!
THIS month, we are taking things MUCH lighter!
Your Goal for the this Soul Mission:
To BLOOM where you are planted and really enjoy the little things! SPRING has sprung and it is BEAUTIFUL! We are going to embrace nature and take in all the new life budding around us!
1. Take a walk! Try to do this at least once a week this month! If a walk is hard, stand in your yard, look around at all the new life! If you don't have spring weather where you are, watch a nature documentary!
2. Take pictures and share them in the group of anything you see blooming!
3. Embrace Nature and take in all in. Breathe deep and watch the earth BLOOM before your eyes!